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Plexiton “One-a-dayâ€ Multivitamin Tonic is the complete one-a-day formula from A to Zinc. Plexiton

“One-a-dayâ€ Multivitamin capsules contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals to help support multiple health benefits.


  • Has a positive, synergistic effect between ginseng and vitamin/mineral supplementation concerning energy enhancement.
  • Ginseng improves physical performance by increasing oxygen supply to the muscles and vitality in the body.
  • Ginseng and Multivitamin combination formulation is very effective in improving a person’s energy, stamina, stress, and quality of life.
  • Improvements in physical and mental well-being and mood are also observed.
  • B group vitamins help support daily energy needs, key antioxidants help support a healthy immune function, and vitamins A, C, and Biotin help support healthy skin.

Plexiton “One-a-dayâ€ Multivitamin Tonic capsules support:

  • Energy, with B group vitamins including folic acid to support daily energy.
  • Healthy Skin, with Vitamin A, C, and Biotin to maintain healthy skin.
  • Bone Health, with Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, and Magnesium to maintain healthy bones.
  • The immune System with, key antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C and E, Zinc and Selenium to help strengthen immunity.
  • Healthy Eyesight, with Vitamin A to help support healthy eyes.
  • Healthy Heart with Vitamin B6 & Folic Acid.
  • Metabolism, with B-vitamins to aid in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Plexiton “One-a-dayâ€ Multivitamin Tonic complete formula from Ato Z that enhances your physical energy and mental performance. Plexiton “One-a-dayâ€

Multivitamin Tonic is a complete multivitamin and mineral supplement that has scientifically been developed to give your body the right nutrients at the exact right levels to help fill nutritional shortfalls in your diet. With increased levels of essential Vitamins and Minerals and also with the added benefit of Ginseng.

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